Flags for LGBTQIA+ History Month
In 2020, I set out to make thirty pride flags in thirty days in honor of LGBTQIA+ History Month (October). I displayed the flags in two local businesses: Eats and Sweets and the YMCA in Lafayette CO. I was interviewed by Rocky Mountain PBS about my project which you can see here.

Abrosexual Flag
Abrosexuality is a term to describe sexual attraction that is fluid and constantly changing. For instance, an abrosexual person may be homosexual one day and bisexual the next.
Definitions come from https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Agender Flag
Agender means without gender.
An agender person is just a person, genderless.
The agender flag was designed by the Tumblr user Transrants in 2014.
Black = absence of gender.
Gray = partial gender.
Green = non-binary; green is the inverse of lavender, a mix of pink (girl) and blue (boy).
Definitions are from -https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Androgynous Flag
Androgynous means having a neutral appearance that does not fall into a traditionally male or female category. Androgynous people can identify with any gender: boy, girl, or non-binary.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page

Androphilia Flag
Androphilia is the attraction to masculine-presenting people regardless of their gender.
Aromantic Flag
Aromantic means not experiencing romantic attraction. Being aromantic does not mean that one is unable to experience sexual attraction. An aromantic person can have any sexual orientation.
A common misconception is that aromantic people lack emotions. In reality, aromantic people feel platonic love such as that between a mother and child or best friends.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Asexual Flag
Asexuality is defined by a lack of sexual attraction. Asexual experiences may include: not wanting to have sex, not being interested in sex, not experiencing a sex drive/libido, or being repulsed by sex. Being asexual does not mean that one does not experience romantic attraction. However, some asexual people also identify as aromantic.
In 2009 and 2010, there was an organized community-wide effort to find consensus on an asexual community flag, resulting in the black, gray, white, and purple design.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page

Bisexual Flag
Bisexual refers to someone who is attracted to two or more genders.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Demiromantic Flag
Demiromantic Refers to someone who does not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Demisexual Flag
Demisexual Is defined as someone who does not experience sexual attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone.
Definitions - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page

Gay men pride flag
Gay Man a masculine-aligned person who is attracted to other masculine-aligned people.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Genderfluid Flag
Genderfluid refers to someone whose gender identity changes over time. A genderfluid person can identify as any gender or combination of genders at any given time. Their gender can change at random or vary in response to outside circumstances. Some people’s gender changes on a somewhat consistent schedule.
The genderfluid flag was created by JJ Poole on Tumblr, on August 2, 2012.
Pink = femininity.
Blue = masculinity.
Purple = both femininity and masculinity.
Black = a lack of gender.
White = all genders.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Genderqueer Flag
Genderqueer, means a gender that does not fall under being strictly male or female.
Genderqueer can be a gender identity on its own or can be used as an umbrella term to describe any non-binary identity.
The genderqueer flag was designed by Marilyn Roxie.
Lavender = mixing of blue and pink, traditional boy and girl colors to represent people who are both male and female.
White = agender people
Green = the inverse of lavender to represent those who are outside the binary.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page

Graysexual Flag
Graysexual or gray-asexual is a sexual orientation, referring to those who relate with asexuality, with experiences that aren't fully described by the word asexual. A common reason someone may identify as graysexual is because they experience sexual attraction very infrequently.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Gynephilia Flag
Gynephilia the attraction to people who express femininity regardless of gender.
Heteroflexible Flag
A heteroflexible person is someone is generally straight, but on uncommon occasions experiences romantic or sexual attraction to their same gender, and can even have serious relationships with a person of their gender.

Homoflexible Flag
A homoflexible person is someone who is generally gay, but on uncommon occasions may experience romantic or sexual attraction to someone of a different gender, and can even have serious relationships with a person of a different gender.
Intersex Flag
Intersex describes those born with physical sex characteristics that cannot be traditionally classified as male or female. For instance, variations may appear in a person’s chromosomes, hormones, genitals, or internal organs like testes or ovaries. According to the ISNA (Intersex Socioty of North Amarica), it is estimated that as many as 1.7% of people are born with intersex traits. For comparison that is about the same percentage of people that have naturally red hair. Intersex individuals may identify with any gender identity, including boy, girl, and/or non-binary.
The most commonly used intersex flag was created by Morgan Carpenter in 2013.
Yellow and purple were chosen for the design, as alternatives to the strongly-gendered colors of blue and pink. The purple circle in the middle symbolizes "wholeness and completeness" as well as "the right to be who and how we want to be."
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Lesbian Flag
A lesbian is a woman, or woman-aligned person, who is exclusively attracted to women and woman-aligned people.
For a cute example go to - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mDKO-AdnGk
Learn more about the controversy surrounding the lesbian flag
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page

Maverique Flag
Maverique is a non-binary gender that is defined completely independent from male, female, neutral. It is characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of gender which is entirely independent of conventional concepts of gender. Despite this maveriques have a distinct and firm sense of gender.
The flag was also designed by Queerascat. The colors mean the following:
Yellow = primary gender, as yellow is a primary color, meaning entirely independent from the other primary colors, like how maverique is completely separate from masculinity and femininity.
White = autonomy and independence, both from the gender binary and from the spectrum of colors. White is the blank gender slate upon which maverique is based.
Orange = a burning inner conviction, and the unorthodox and individualistic nature of maveriques.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Non-binary Flag
Non-binary refers to someone whose gender does not fall strictly within the traditional categories of man or woman. Anyone who is not always 100% man, or always 100% woman can be considered non-binary. Non-binary is included in the umbrella of transgender, although some non-binary people choose not to identify as transgender.
The non-binary flag was created by Kye Rowan in February of 2014.
Yellow = being outside the gender binary, as yellow is often used to distinguish something as its own.
White = agender or genderless people.
Purple = the fluidity and multiplicity of many gender experiences, the uniqueness and flexibility of non-binary people, as well as representing those whose gender experiences include being in between girl (traditionally pink) and boy (traditionally blue).
Black = people who are many or all genders.
Definitions are from - https://lgbt.wikia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Omnisexual Flag
Omnisexual is an orientation defined as the sexual attraction to all genders, though gender still plays a role in the attraction. Some omnisexual people have a preference for which gender they feel most attracted to. Others may be equally attracted to all genders, but that being attracted to one gender feels different than being attracted to another gender. They might also find certain traits only attractive in certain genders.
Definitions are from - https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki

Pangender Flag
Pangender is when someone experiences all genders. A pangender person can experience these genders at the same time or they may be fluid between them. The intensity of their gender(s) may fluctuate.
Definitions are from - https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki
Pansexual Flag
Pansexuality is the attraction to people regardless of gender. Pansexual people may be described as being "gender blind" showing that gender is not a factor in their attraction to a person.
Pink = attraction to women.
Yellow = attraction to non-binary people.
Blue = attraction to men.
Definitions are from - https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki
Polygender Flag
A polygender person is someone who experiences two or more genders. Polygender people may experience these genders identities at the same time, or their gender identity may change overtime. Polygender people can have any gender expression but many prefer to be seen as androgynous and/or change their presentation to be more masculine or feminine depending on their current identity.
Blue and pink = masculinity and femininity respectively, and those who feel partially male/female.
Yellow = genders outside the binary.
Black = those who feel partially agender.
Grey = those whose gender(s) change or fluctuate.
Definitions are from - https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki

Polysexual Flag
Polysexuality is the sexual attraction to many, but not all, genders. For example, a polysexual person could be attracted to all genders except men, or be attracted to exclusively non-binary people. Polysexuality implies that one is attracted to more than 2 genders. This can be any number of genders, up to all genders besides one.
Polysexuality should not be confused with polyamory, the capacity to be in a relationship with multiple people at once, nor should it be confused with being bisexual or pansexual. The difference between being polysexual and being pansexual is that pansexuals experience attraction to all genders, while polysexuals are attracted to certain genders, but not all. The difference between being polysexual and being bi is that bisexuals are attracted to, at minimum, two genders, usually men and women, while polysexuals are attracted to many genders.
Pink = attraction to women
Green = attraction to non-binary people,
Blue = attraction to men.
The flag was created by user Samlin on Tumblr in 2012. I made it similar to the bi and pan flags, since they're all in under the multisexual umbrella.
Definitions come from - https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki
Queer Flag
Queer is an identity, and is often considered a movement, of people that fall outside of and/or reject of the cultural norms around sexuality and/or gender identity or expression. The Queer Movement has largely been about anti-conformity and the rejection of binaries and being pushed into boxes. It can also be used as an orientation or gender identity in and of itself.
Definitions are from - https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki
Questioning Flag
Questioning is the process of wondering what one’s gender, sexuality, or romantic orientation is. Questioning can happen at any age, and can take anywhere from days to years. Questioning is normal for anyone, whether they turn out to be LGBTQ+ or not.
Questioning can refer to the process of questioning one's gender/sexuality as well as a person who is in the process of questioning.
Definitions are from -https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki

Transgender Flag
Transgender is a term referring to people who do not identify as the gender assigned to them at birth. Many transgender people experience dysphoria, a feeling of discomfort or self-hatred stemming from a disconnect between their internal sense of gender and their outward appearance, their bodies, or how others perceive them. Some transgender people choose to medically transition with hormone replacement therapy and gender-affirming surgeries.
Learn more about the history of the flag
Definitions are from - https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki
Trigender Flag
Trigender is where someone has three distinct gender identities. Trigender people may experience these genders simultaneously or fluidly.
Pink = femininity and feminine genders
Blue = masculinity and masculine genders
Green = androgyny and other genders.
Definitions are from - https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki
Rainbow pride flag
This is the most well-known of the pride flags and represents all of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Learn more about the history of this flag